5071C二手出售 安捷伦E5071C 网络分析仪 租赁维修E5071C二手出售 安捷伦E5071C 网络分析仪 是德
E5071C 广泛的动
黄S(同V):15015266767;Q号:2441688423; 地址:广东省东莞市塘厦镇美华中心703 公司:东莞市亿测电子有限公司
态范围:在测试端口处具有 > 123 dB 的动态范围(典型值)E5071C 极快的测量速度:全双端口校准时为 41 ms,1601 点
E5071C 低迹线噪声:70 kHz 中频带宽(IFBW)处为 0.004 dB rms
E5071C 集成的 S 参数测试装置
E5071C 端口选项:2 端口和 4 端口
E5071C 平衡测量能力(4 端口选件)哪里出售出售E5071C E
E5071C-790 测量向导助手(MWA)软件
E5071C-008 频率偏置模式
E5071C-TDR E5071C-TDR 增强型时域分析选件
timebase stability
E5071C-UNQ Standard stability timebase
E5071C-1E5 High stability timebase
Calibration documentation
E5071C-1A7 Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding (Not Accredited)
E5071C-A6J ANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration
Test set
E5071C-280 2-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz without Bias Tees
E5071C-285 2-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 8.5 GHz with Bias Tees
E5071C-480 4-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz without Bias Tees
E5071C-485 4-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 8.5 GHz with Bias Tees
E5071C-240 2-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 4.5 GHz without Bias Tees
E5071C-245 2-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 4.5 GHz with Bias Tees
E5071C-2K5 2-port Test Set, 300 kHz to 20 GHz with Bias Tees
E5071C-440 4-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 4.5 GHz without Bias Tees
E5071C-445 4-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 4.5 GHz with Bias Tees
E5071C-4K5 4-port Test Set, 300 kHz to 20 GHz with Bias Tees
E5071C-4D5 4-port Test Set, 300 kHz to 14 GHz with Bias Tees