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发布时间:2017-10-18 13:48:09       返回列表

板式橡胶支座图片板式橡胶支座图片圆形四氟板式橡胶支座正面带微笑的望着韩立。B、要在支座上加盖不锈钢板(厚度为3mm)和上钢板(厚度为18mm),上钢板的下平面采用机械加工成倒槽形。将不 锈钢板卡进去,使其与上钢板联成一整体,落梁之前在上钢板的上平面涂一层较厚的环氧树脂与梁底间粘结。门无声无息的开了,顿时从里面走出一名白袍儒衫的人。啊,原来是严先生到了。先生是来找鲁大先生的吧。这让一旁的韩立,看在眼内,心中不禁啧啧称奇。要是在天南,这种事情说什么也不会发生的吧。看来儒门还真是规矩森严,竟然让修仙者能对一名凡人低头。不过,这种情形估计也只能在低阶修仙者身上发生,高阶修仙者绝不会出现这种事情的。韩立暗中冷笑的想道。我这次是来见方兄的。方大先生现在是否有空。

The circular spherical rubber bearing is on the top of the rubber bearing with rubber manufacturing into spherical surface, the spherical center of rubber thickness is 4-8mm, which in addition to all the features of highway bridge plate rubber bearing has, adjusting force through the spherical cap, suitable for vertical slope of overp bridge and viaduct, to accommodate 2% 4% vertical and horizontal slope, the bridge and the bearing contact center to circular plate rubber support center. The reaction force at the end of the beam diffuses gradually through the surface rubber of the spherical surface to the lower layers of steel plate and rubber layer.

Semi circular rubber ring at the bottom surface of the supporting seat with a ring diameter of D=2.5mm, bearing force first by the bottom ring deformation compaction, adjust the bottom stress condition, to improve or oid the rubber bottom void phenomenon, make the bearing bottom uniform stress.
The characteristics of top spherical rubber bearing circular spherical rubber bearing for spherical crown, is commonly used at the bottom of semi circular ring or PTFE (F4) characteristics, so it can he good isotropic, so the work can not only effectively adapt to the rotation angle displacement of bridge support,

It can also ensure that the load of the upper structure can be effectively transferred to the lower structure, and it can oid the eccentricity of the edge of the plate bearing, the large force, easy to destroy and the phenomenon of the city. The spherical rubber bearing can rotate universal, universal bearing, can satisfy the various loads of upper structure (such as dead load, live load, wind and earthquake force) produced by the anti force transmission fast, rotating and moving requirements, to ensure that anti force, clear and reliable. A this product can be used in all kinds of viaduct bridge, inclined beam and curved beam and other unique structure of bridge structure, and the cost is cheap, convenient installation, safe and reliable use, easy to promote application
The circular spherical rubber bearing the clification of products: can be divided into: coronal circular plate bearing and PTFE spherical circular plate type bearing. If the bearing is glued to the bottom of a block and the bearing plane of the same size Teflon plate is called PTFE spherical rubber bearings. Clification: CR (CL Ding Jiao); NR (natural rubber) size: D (diameter) XT (thickness) (mm); form symbol: F4 said PTFE sliding bearings; not add code for common support. Name: TCYB represents a general circular spherical rubber bearing;


Bridge rubber bearing is comed of multilayer rubber and steel plate vulcanization bonding, it has enough vertical stiffness can force reliable transfer to the pier superstructure; he good flexibility, in order to adapt to the rotation of the beam end, and large shear deformation ability, to meet the horizontal displacement of superstructure.
After the Teflon plate 1.5mm-3mm thick layer in the laminated rubber bearing surface, can be made of PTFE sliding plate rubber support in addition to its vertical stiffness and elastic deformation under vertical load and can adapt to the rotation of the outer end of the beam, due to the low friction coefficient of PTFE plate, the beam end in PTFE sliding surface and the horizontal displacement is not restricted, especially suitable for medium and small load, large displacement bridge use.
圆形四氟板式橡胶支座桥梁橡胶支座特点:桥梁橡胶支座不仅技术性能优良,还具有构造简单、价格低廉、无需养护 易于更换缓冲隔震、建筑高度低等特点.因而在桥梁界颇受欢迎,被广泛使用。
The characteristics of bridge rubber bearings: bridge rubber bearing not only excellent technical performance, but also has the advantages of structure, low cost, no maintenance is easy to replace the shockproof, building height is low. So in the bridge area is very popular, widely used.


According to the following structure of bridge rubber bearing clification: pot rubber bearing, rubber bearing, rectangular rubber bearings, spherical circular plate rubber bearing, circular plate rubber bearing etc..
The bridge rubber bearings are clified according to the temperature applicable to the rubber species:
1, chloroprene rubber: suitable temperature +60 to -25 degrees
2, natural rubber: suitable temperature +60 to -40 degrees
3、三元乙丙橡胶: 适用温度+60℃∽-45℃
3, three EPDM: suitable for temperature +60 to -45 degrees
The applicable scope of bridge rubber bearing:
1. Common bridge rubber bearings are suitable for bridges with spans less than 30m and small displacement. Different plane shapes are suitable for different bridge span structures, rectangular supports for orthogonal bridges, circular supports for curved bridges, skew bridges and cylindrical piers.
2, PTFE laminated rubber bearing is suitable for large span and multi span continuous beam, continuous plate structure of the large displacement bridge. It is also used as a continuous beam and T beam trersing the top slider in the. The application of rectangular and circular PTFE plate rubber bearings is the same as that of rectangular and circular ordinary rubber bearings.





