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Ignorant of the plots which were being prepared for his peace of mind and with no idea beyond that of earning his three guineas, and perhaps of
astonishing the inhabitants of Crampsford by his academic learning, Theobald walked over to the Rectory one Sunday morning early in Decembe
a few weeks only after he had been ordained. He had taken a great deal of pains with his sermon, which was on the subject of geology — then
coming to the fore as a theological bugbear. He showed that so far as geology was worth anything at all — and he was too liberal entirely to pooh-
pooh it — it confirmed the absolutely historical character of the Mosaic account of the Creation as given in Genesis. Any phenomena which at first
sight appeared to make against this view were only partial phenomena and broke down upon investigation. Nothing could be in more excellent taste,
and when Theobald adjourned to the Rectory, wher he was to dine between the services, Mr. Allaby complimented him warmly upon his debut, while the ladies of the family could hardly find words with which to express their admiration.
Theobald knew nothing about women. The only women he had been thrown in contact with were his sisters, two of whom were always correcting
him, and a few school friends whom these had got their father to ask to Elmhurst. These young ladies had either been so shy that they and Theobald had never amalgamated, or they had been supposed to be clever and had said smart things to him. He did not say smart things himself
and did not want other people to say them. Besides, they talked about music — and he hated music — or pictures — and he hated pictures — o
r books — and except the classics he hated books. And then sometimes he was wanted to dance with them, and he did not know how to dance, and
did not want to know.
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微信号1822 6093 231
企业QQ 2428119712