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美国国际交流集团American International Exchange Group(简称AIE)总部设在美国西部最大的城市—洛杉矶,是经美国国务院批准合法成立,注册地为美国的加利福利亚州。,每年主办及协办世界知名展会130多个。后经过多年的运作,集团发展成为集【国际商务考察】、【国际展览服务】、【国际行业资质培训】、【国际教育交流】、【商务及旅游签证办理】、【境外星级酒店、豪华游轮预订】、【境外车辆租赁】、【投资移民及出境】、【国际机票预订】、【国际间政府商务及文化交流服务】等业务为一体的全球化老牌综合商务出入境商务地接服务社机构。AIE将以最优质的服务提供给信赖我们的忠实客户。2001年集团业务正式进入中国市场,在中国的北京、上海、广州、成都、深圳、沈阳等11个省市设有办事处及全资子公司,其中深圳市环球行海外会展服务有限公司(Shenzhen Global Exhibition Service Co.,Ltd)是专业从事集团直属专门负责处理集团相关出境签证办理、展位申请、参观展会及考察、行业公商务考察及展品货运事宜等业务的专业全资直属子公司
  • 联系人:何强
  • 手机:13928484782
  • 电话:0755-25401459
  • 传真:0755-33358915
  • QQ:461527519
  • 地址:深圳市罗湖区深南东路2001号鸿昌国际广场25楼
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Shenzhen Global Exhibition Service Co.,Ltd (SGES)

发布时间:2017-08-08 15:28:30       返回列表

2. 企业优势
成熟的操作模式,强大的展会推广,完善的客户服务:多年的外展操作经验,有众多展会成功操作的记录(CES电子展,Photokina影像展,OTC石油展,  MCE空调展,IWA户外展,LINEAPELLE  皮革展等);对于我们参展企业申请更大限度的申请国家政策性补助资金。一手的信息、详尽的咨讯、细致的服务正使“SGES”会展成为国内出境展会市场的生力军及主流品牌之一。深圳市环球行会展服务有限公司正努力成为全球展览市场上的**品牌!
3. 公司服务范围及经营理念
1.Company Introduction
Shenzhen Global Exhibition Service Co.,Ltd (SGES), founded on 1992 in Shenzhen, has been having 11 offices throughout China including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shenyang and so on. It has awarded as ‘5 Star Oversea Exhibition Service Organizer ’by the Chinese Overseas Exhibition Association. SEGS has 153 high qualities, young and rich experienced employees. We will provide excellent, efficient and high standard service using our initiative enthusiasm, responsible work spirit and sincere service attitude. Our aim is to build a better bridge for the Chinese Enterprises to develop their global markets, to spread their brands in the professional fields and to build their world-known brands. 
2.Business Strength
SGES has mature operating mode, powerful exhibition promoting ability, sophisticated customer service, years of experiencing and success records in representing global exhibitions such as CES, Photokina, OTC, MCE, IWA, LINEAPELLE and etc. We also help our client companies to apply for the national policy funding of subsidy. First-hand information, detailed information, and meticulous service support SGES to be one of the best brands in oversea exhibition service business. Now, SGES is working hard to be the all-known brand in the global market. 
3.   Scope of Company Service and Business Mission
[Service Scope]: Our service includes Exhibition consulting, International Exhibition booth registration & payment, Booth setup & decoration, display items transport, media advertisement.
We also provides customized solution for our client on Enterprise Advertisement, onsite coordination, Invitation letter and visa support, Exhibition tickets & hotel reservation, full trip arrangement on food, hotel and transport for the exhibition delegate. 
[Our Mission]:To provide full-range, high standard and professional service using people-oriented and Customer-centered philosophy to every exhibition client. Hence we aimed to help our client to finally build their global market and brand by learning from other foreign countries.
4. Contact us
American International Alliance of Commerce(P.R.C)Office
Shenzhen Global Exhibition Service Co., Ltd.
Manager:何强  Peter   
Teb: 86 755-33358915 / 13928484782
Fax: 86 755-33358973  
Email: 461527519@163.com
Address:2502 HongChang Plaza,2010 ShenNan Road East,Luohu District ShenZhen City P.R.China 518002

Shenzhen Global Exhibition Service Co.,Ltd (SGES)

http://www.ceoie.com/shop/ximenqing800/news/itemid-3218879.html,我们主要有【国际商务考察】、【国际展览服务】、【国际行业资质培训】、【国际教育交流】、【商务及旅游签证办理】、【境外星级酒店、豪华游轮预订】、【境外车辆租赁】、【投资移民及出境】、【国际机票预订】、【国际间政府商务及文化交流服务】,欢迎与我联系:联系人,何强,手机:13928484782,我将向您提供更多【Shenzhen Global Exhibition Service Co.,Ltd (SGES)】详细信息。