联系电话:13103717773汪经理 郑州旺杰商务汽车改装、轿车内饰翻新改装是一家从事电动座椅骨架,海绵,开关,开关面板,线束,电动座椅等整套散件研发,制造,销售一条龙的公司。为了给改装车内饰公司和座椅制造公司有利润空间,我们还批发整套电动座椅散件,安装方便。
本公司产品适用的品牌商务车有:奔驰威霆、唯雅诺、福特、丰田、别克、大众T5、大众迈特威等豪华商务车,各种房车。根据市场需求,让贵公司可能有自己个性化的款式,做到差异化,我们的散件客户也可以任意搭配,欢迎广大客户定制自己个性化座椅,我们将全力以赴配合好. 旺杰汽车内饰改装主要经营:私人定制房车、商务车座椅、portant; text-decoration: none;">航空座椅、办公桌、吧台、隔断、星空灯、桃木碳纤维制作、内饰改色、手缝方向盘套、复仪表台。
旺杰汽车内饰改装位于:郑州市花园路天荣汽配城A72-16。多年来一直从事**豪华汽车内饰工艺研发工作,拥有很强的修复和改装个性化portant; text-decoration: none;">汽车内饰件产品的能力,可以对进口豪华车以新车出厂的标准进行修复及改装,长期的工作实践让我们的技术稳定,各项技术工艺都处于国内**水平,一直在汽车内饰改装翻新领域中居于前列。
Q Q:2503028820
You used to sit beside the computer office, there is no feel Jin vertebral aching feeling, from time to time their knock twice, but this does not alleviate pain, should be appropriate, do not let his neck vertebra for a long time in a posture. And for driving a family, the use of the head of the car will also promote the use of the head of the cervical spine disease.
In addition to the role of the head of the car to increase the comfort of the occupants, the main function is to protect the neck. When the long car ride, occupants will often feel the neck fatigue pain, which is due to the lack of effective support of neck vertebrae, stress caused by. But this is only a small problem, even without a car head pillow, causing neck fatigue, as long as the rest can be relieved. But if a traffic accident, car headrest protective effect on the neck can not be discounted. There is no installation of the results will be different from the car head pillow.
Correct use of the head of the car
1, the right to adjust the body and seat angle, make the back upright as possible. The neck and body angle tends to be flat, and can reduce the damage of the chase.
2, head and head of the distance between the head and the pillow to the extent possible, to the maximum of 4 cm, so that the impact of the neck can play a buffer role.
3, correct adjustment of the head pillow height. The head pillow shall be arranged at least approximately 8.89 cm of the place or the passenger's head in parallel with the ear. Head pillow after adjustment, firmly fixed head, so that the head is not shaking.
4, the protection effect of the fixed head pillow is much higher than the adjustable head pillow.
5, car rear seat headrest installation of the best.
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