
北京辣木籽进口货源 一手货源 批发 零售 均可以 订货电话18226093231 侯经理

辣木树,又称为鼓槌树,是多年生热带落叶乔木,全世界约有14个品种,较常食用的品种有以下三种:印度传统辣木(Moringa oleifera Lam.)、印度改良种辣木(印度 T.N.农业大学的改良种,早生且具高豆荚产量)和非洲辣木(原只产于冈比亚,肯亚图尔卡纳湖附近及埃塞俄比亚西南部)。辣木树龄约可达20年,树高可达7~12公尺,树干直径可达20~40公分,树皮为软木质,根有辛辣味,枝梢顶部交织形成2~3排羽状复叶。

古印度传统医学认为:辣木叶可以预防多种疾病,更被广泛应用在多种慢性疾病上。辣木在国际上已经有十四项药品专利,根据多项研究,辣木树皮及树根等部位可以降低血压及血糖、缓和发炎肿大、肠胃不适、风湿关节疼痛等,也可以舒缓神经系统,对于歇斯底里及止痛有良好的作用。 我公司直接引进国门 为朋友们打造一个健康的身体 公司电话0558-5516177

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time seeing the stars, but a short drive can take you far enough beyond the city lights to reveal their glory. If you live in a rural setting, all you have to do is wait for the sun to set and the night to settle to get the show of your life, every night. If you make a habit of it, you will begin to know the seasonal changes of the night sky, deepening your connection to the earth and the universe in which you live.  One of the best ways to stargaze is to lie down on a blanket so that your body can fully relax. This position allows your breath to move easily through your tranquil form as you settle down into the earth, connecting your consciousness to the sky. As you look deeply into its vastness, allowing your awareness to alternate between the pinpoints of light and the blue-black space that holds them, your breath expands and






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