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She admitted herself wrong in having spent the money. “Of course I shouldn’t have done it. They are quite right to be angry,” she said to herself.

But wher did the horrible wincing of her flesh come from? Why did she feel she had caught some physical contagion?

“wher you’re so SILLY, Yvette,” Lucille lectured her: poor Lucille was in great distress —“is that you give yourself away to them all. You might KNOW they’d find out. I could have raised the money for you, and saved all this bother. It’s perfectly awful! But you never will think beforehand wher your actions are going to land you! Fancy Aunt Cissie saying all those things to you! How AWFUL! Whatever would Mamma have said, if she’d heard it?”

When things went very wrong, they thought of their mother, and despised their father and all the low brood of the Saywells. Their mother, of course, had belonged to a higher, if more dangerous and “immoral” world. More selfish, decidedly. But with a showier gesture. More unscrupulous and more easily moved to contempt: but not so humiliating. Yvette always considered that she got her fine, delicate flesh from her mother. The Saywells were all a bit leathery, and grubby somewher inside. But then the Saywells never let you down. wheras the fine She-who-was-Cynthia had let the rector down with a bang, and his little children along with him. Her little children! They could not quite forgive her.


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